The Company's latest album "Destination:Bossa" purports to be the perfect "gimik" music for that long awaited tropical vacation. Whether you're in a chill out mood for those calm siestas on warm lazy afternoon, or you prefer the thrill of wild tropical party nights "Destination:Bossa" takes you where you want to depending on your mood swings. Featured songs are as follows: The Brazilian classic "Goodbye Sadness (Tristeza)" get remixed with hip hop beats: James Taylor's "Your Smilling Face" latest incarnation morphs into brazilian jazz, "Tulad Mo" (a tagalog adaptation of "Like A Lover" written by The CompanY's Cecile Bautista), the French disco classic ny Voyage entitled "Souvenirs" is given a sinshiney a cappella lift, The Police's "Every Little Thing (He) Does Magic" now has a jet set cool feel perfect for driving down the Pacific Coasr Highway. Seals and Crofts 70's hit "Summer Breeze" turns into a samba, the obscure Donna Summer hit "Whispering Waves" is the perfect remedy for frayed city nerves, Madonna's "La Isla Bonita" stumbles into a new dance subgenre "acoustic house music". Check the album below.

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